As you begin to delve further into Photography, you will reach a point where you want a better understanding of RAW (unedited/unretouched) photos, sometimes called a digital negative. Here are some of the basics on the topic:
Many photographers will edit their photos, even if a minor correction of color, contrast, brightness, or to add an artistic style.
The RAW file is an uncompressed version of the image file. The basic function is the camera takes the image data from the sensor, and saves it as an unedited and uncompressed format. Typically professional photographers do not share or sell their Raw photo.
The reason why photographers do not share or sell RAW files to their clients is that the RAW files are a form of negatives owned by the photographer. Even when a client engages a professional photographer to take the photos, the client always pays for the final product such as JPG or TIFF and does not typically own the original image itself.
One or our main goals in our Education Workshops and Courses is to educate you on how to Master Your Camera – to push the capabilities of which ever camera you are holding, to the full extent of that which it is capable of. Our hope is to help you capture the best possible exposure, color and composition in-camera! Understanding how to utilize your camera to photograph in any lighting situation and become capable of printing images straight out of the camera without the added steps of editing the captured image is of great value to us. Although, not opposed to editing your images, if you can capture the best possible exposure in camera – you definitely have much more time to spend behind the camera, out photographing the people and places you love the most and less time behind a computer editing.
We offer a variety of options to continue your passion for photography, from online courses to International Travel Photography Adventures. Click the links below to see our current offerings: