At some point in most Photographers journey they decide to invest in a Tripod. For some that happens early on as they strive to capture their best possible still life photo. For others the decision happens after a few years of using and learning their camera equipment. The question To Tripod or Not has a different answer and a different timeframe for every photographer! Professional photographers will tell you there is a time and place where you need to use a Tripod, and if you intend to explore quality photography, you will buy one someday.
We created this quick list of why you would Tripod:
When it's Important to have your Hands Free
Better ability to utilize Camera Settings
Easier on your body if you use larger, heavier lenses
Planned, Precise, Focused Photos versus Instinct, Rapid Capture Photos
Save your Planned Shot while you explore other options
Tripods have a wide price range, from $100 to over $500. Their prices are typically a direct reflection on the quality of the equipment. Whether you intend to use it all of the time or infrequently, it is definitely worth spending more to buy a higher quality, lighter Tripod.
Want to learn more about what Tripod would be the best fit for your intended use? Give us a call and we'll be glad to help guide you in this decision.
IDAHO Perfect Light Camera & Supply 2169 E 17th Street Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404 (208) 523-6789
MONTANA *closing September 30, 2021 - see you in Spring 2022 The Yellowstone Camera Store 16 N Canyon Street West Yellowstone, MT 59758 (406) 646-5191